5 Tips For Faster Fat Loss Results

She has been doing workouts but feeling like her progress was quite slow, and wanted faster results from the effort she was putting in.

I’ve got a list of 5 ways you can get faster fat loss results from your workouts…

By ‘results' I mean noticeable changes in your stamina, strength, energy, and overall fitness.

These are a really important parts of your overall health & wellness because it plays into your immune system, your sleep, heart health and so much more.

We are not just talking about a number on the scales here. 

Before I get into the tips, I want you to remember one thing that will help drive all of those results:

No matter how young or old you are, or your current fitness or activity level…

Having a fit, strong, and healthy body that can help you make the MOST of every single day is something worth fighting for!

If you are only training to e.g. lose weight, that can be quite sole destroying. 

5 Ways To Get Fast Fat Loss Results

Tip 1: Set your priorities

In other words: Get excited about a goal!

Want to be able to do 10 press-ups?

Run 2 miles without stopping?

Add distance to your golf drive… this one might just be me! 

As adults, we often write off those goals as silly or frivolous.

They aren’t!

They can add a motivational factor to your routine (and also a clear purpose).

Tip 2: Have a plan

Now that you have a priority, create an intentional workout programme – and make sure to include the RIGHT kinds of exercises to hit your goals. 

Example: if you want to be able to do 10 press-ups, running 3 days a week won’t help you with that.

But building your strength (especially core and upper body) will.

Tip 3: Periodise for progress

This is related to creating a plan … it’s making sure your routine grows and changes as you get fitter. As personal trainers we call this “periodisation.” 

If you always do the same exercises the same way, eventually you’ll plateau.

Your workouts should challenge you just enough to move you closer to your goals, but not so much that you feel drained, overly sore, or get injured.

Tip 4: Eat to support your goal

First: Make sure you’re eating a high-quality diet, filled with nutrient-dense food in the right portions for your activity level.

Then: Come up with a post workout strategy to refuel right after your workout.

Aim for a carb & protein mini-meal to give your muscles a jumpstart on recovery. 

(For more specifics, grab a copy of our guide: The Ultimate Post-Workout & Recovery Guide. Download it here <<)

Tip 5: Reset, Recover & Rest

Your workouts create stress in your body (good stress, but it’s still stress).

That’s why it’s so important to give yourself time to reset, recover, and rest afterward.

Not only will it help you get the best results from the workout you just did, but it helps your body get ready for your NEXT workout.

On a practical level, this means taking 24-48 hours between workouts to let your muscles repair and rebuild.

It also means getting 7-9 hours of quality sleep every night so your body can restore your immune function, balance your hormones, and remove waste.

So there you have it! 

These five tips will help you take your workouts to the NEXT LEVEL and help you hit your goals faster. 

If you are looking for a proven plan to reach your goals, we are here for you! 

Our Six Week Wellbeing Challenge has helped hundred of women rebuild a healthy lifestyle by adding purpose and structure to their workout routine, and simplifying their nutritional plan to support the workouts and their longer term goals.

Want to find out how we do this?